Student Development And Service Centre


1.1   All students, staff, or, visitors who stay in the UTS hostel are referred to as residents.
1.2   UTS Hostel on campus room priority open for:
        1.2.1   First Year non-Sibu students (If room still available, only open for 1.2.2)
        1.2.2   Final Year non-Sibu students (If room still available, only open for 1.2.3)
        1.2.3   Staying far (more than 20KM) from Campus but subject to room availability after registration week
        * Priority ranking from top to bottom
1.3   Subject to criteria as follows:
        1.3.1   Good Merit-demerit record in Oculus
        1.3.2   Students active in Co-curriculum (Platinum holder for LEAd)
        * Priority ranking from top to bottom

2.1   The minimum tenancy is for a period of one (1) full-term semester.
2.2   A new student who first applies for the hostel or returning student who has a hostel withdrawal record before are required to pay First (1st) Entry Fees (1-month hostel deposit with semester hostel fees) as per stipulated in UTS Hostel Rate.
2.3   Returning hostel students are required to pay semester hostel fees only.
2.4   All the hostel payments should be done within the first two (2) study weeks of that particular semester as per stipulated in the academic calendar.
2.5   Students who are tied with financial assistance organizations such as PTPTN, Yayasan Sarawak, Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB), etc. need to make immediate payment once the money has been released from the organization. All outstanding fees due must be made within the first two (2 months) of that particular semester as per stipulated in the academic calendar.
2.6   Hostel deposit will be refunded direct to the student bank account:
        2.6.1   After the hostel withdrawal application was made in Oculus.
        2.6.2   Hostel room has been vacated and cleaned (RM30 cleaning fees per person will be deducted from the deposit if a dirty room is found).
        2.6.3   Room card has been returned.
        2.6.4   All other outstanding fees due to the University have been cleared. Residents are reminded that if any fixtures or assets are found missing or damaged, charges for replacement or repair will be deducted from the deposit.  Please refer to the defect price list available on each notice board for details.
2.7   Any student who has not paid all the relevant outstanding due will have a sanction applied to their student record. A sanction may prevent the student from accessing results or graduating. The sanction applied for non-payment of fees or outstanding charges will be removed when full payment is received.
2.8   Table of Refunds for Hostel Deposit & Hostel Fees show as follows:


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2.9   Exception for Hostel Fees Refund
        2.9.1   Status is terminated by the University of Technology Sarawak
        2.9.2   Withdrawal for medical or compassionate reasons

3.1 The keys and hostel room card are the property of UTS. They are non- transferable and no unauthorized duplication is allowed. Any resident found to have violated the above will be subjected to disciplinary action.

4.1   Approval of Hostel renewal for the following semester is subject to:
        4.1.1   Room available with first come first serve basis (Not guaranteed for the duration of your course).
        4.1.2   Priority open to the group as per stipulated in hostel policies 1.2 & 1.3.
        4.1.3   The maximum tenancy for each qualified student (stipulated in 1.2) is 2 (two) years only subject to 4.1.1.
4.2   At the end of every semester, SDSC will email all hostel students to apply for hostel status for the following semester.
4.3   Hostel students who did not apply any hostel application for the following semester within the specified deadline:
        4.3.1   Will be considered not interested stay in the hostel.
        4.3.2   The system will auto-kick the hostel students and the following action will be imposed:
        4.3.3   Room card replacement fees of RM50 will be deducted from the hostel.
        4.3.4   Hostel withdrawal will be shown in the last hostel.
        4.3.5   Daily rental of RM30 per person will be charged accordingly until all belongings are vacated.
4.4   Resident are not permitted to change their room without prior approval from SDSC.
4.5   SDSC reserve the right to re-allocate the resident to a different room due to room configuration requirement.
4.6   To know more about the flow of hostel applications for the following semester, please refer to this pdf.

5.1   Introduced based on guidelines stipulated in the UTS Student Code of Conduct acts as guidelines with regards to the DOs & DONTs while occupying the UTS hostels facilities.
5.2   The objectives of this system are to:
        5.2.1   Promote and encourage appropriate behaviors in hostels at all times.
        5.2.2   Reward and recognize occupants for extra services and volunteering efforts.
        5.2.3   Create a conducive environment for living and learning in hostels.
        5.2.4   Determine the disciplinary mechanism for willful disregard for the campus rules and regulations.
        5.2.5   Give priority to students with higher merit points occupying hostels in the subsequent semester.
5.3   Criteria Basis:
        5.3.1   Cleanliness & Hygiene: The hostel rooms equipped with basic facilities are clean and hygienic to live in.
        5.3.2   Good Attitude: Occupants possessed a positive outlook like respectful, cooperative, kind, and rational while occupying the rooms allocated.
        5.3.3   Good Health: Occupants are in reasonably good health, free from smoking, drugs, alcohol, or anything illegal substances according to the law of Malaysia.
        5.3.4   Positive Lifestyle: Occupants practice a positive lifestyle like exercising regularly, being responsible, and caring towards others and the environment.

To know more about the hostel merit/ demerit marks, please refer to this pdf.

6.1 Occupant (student/ staff) must be certified as being in good health and free from mental illness, contagious/ infectious diseases, or illness that will adversely affect themselves and others’ life on the campus (including hostel).
      6.1.1 Mental illness – undergone psychiatric treatment.
      6.1.2 Contagious difficult and require prolonged treatment – HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C
      6.1.3 Infectious treatment (Undergone) – Tuberculosis
      6.1.4 Others as relevant (High-risk of the health conditions)
6.2 The hostel management prohibits any form of sexual activity between unmarried students, as well as between students and non-students of the same sex. It also disallows cohabitation (living together) between students of different sexes, as well as engagement in homosexual, lesbian, or gay behaviour. Additionally, any indecent behaviour, including harassment, the possession or distribution of pornography (taking pictures or videos), or any other form of sexually inappropriate conduct, is strictly prohibited.
6.3 The hostel management reserves the right to withdraw the hostel offer or terminate the accommodation of any student found to have violated policies 6.1 or 6.2, or who suffers from a mental illness, is a carrier of contagious or infectious diseases, or has a medical condition requiring continuous medical care that could adversely affect their health or the health of others on campus, including within the hostel.

7.1   The hostel committee consists of selected members among occupants of the hostel.
7.2   The screening and interview process will be carried out by SDSC to select the candidates for the hostel committee.
7.3   The objective of the hostel committee:
        7.3.1    To provide feedback to the hostel unit in terms of the social and welfare of the occupants.
        7.3.2    To act as a liaison between hostel occupants and staff in terms of the complaint, suggestions, or improvements for the betterment of the hostel.
        7.3.3    To assist and cooperate with hostel staff to carry out the related tasks in Hostel.
7.4   Benefit for Hostel Committee:
        7.4.1    Each committee in charge will be allocated a complimentary hostel room on the designated floor for that particular semester .      
7.5   Criteria for Hostel Committee:
        7.5.1   Maintain at least CGPA: 2.50 and above
        7.5.2   LEAd at least Gold holder.
        7.5.3   Demonstrate Positive Personality Character (Responsible, Able to Communicate, Honest, Cleanliness, Punctual, Fast-react, Teamwork,Committed, etc.)

8.1   Student Development & Services Centre, Hostel Unit reserves the right to amend the hostel policy from time to time. Please always refer to the hostel policy on the website for the update.